For more information on donating organs or tissue for transplant, research or education, contact Washington, DC’s local organ procurement organization, Washington Regional Transplant Community. You may also volunteer to help spread the word about how donation saves lives!

Waiting List Statistics can be found at the United Network for Organ Sharing - UNOS website.

Visit Donate Life America (formerly Coalition on Donation) website to find out about national organizations and local coalitions in the United States. You can also find out how to register to be a donor in your state of residence!

If your company or business would like to join the Workplace Partnership for Life, participate in National Donor Sabbath or support other national efforts to increase awareness about organ and tissue donation, please visit the Health and Human Services website.

For an interactive experience with flash audio and stories documenting the journey of donor families and those waiting for a life-saving transplant, please visit The Gift of a Lifetime website.

For more information on tissue donation, visit the American Association of Tissue Banks website or the resource center for the National Donor Family Council.

For information about whole body donation in Washington, DC contact the following:

Georgetown University Department of Cell Biology (202) 687-1219
George Washington University Department of Anatomy (202) 994-3511
Howard University Department of Anatomy (202) 806-9869.